Interface efficiency: 19.6% Number of public non-constructor elements: 43, number of clients: 12 Extracting 3 interfaces gives an overall collection efficiency=68.5%. Shown below are the resulting efficiency changes on the original interface if a given extraction is made, and the cumulative efficiency of all involved interfaces. Interface1: Resulting Window efficiency: 62.5% , accumulated collection efficiency: 42.3% 10 clients: ConcreteDrawPreparation, ConcreteGuiView, ConcreteWindow, DrawPreparationRunnable, DrawRows, MouseListener, ProgressBar, ProgressBar$2, ProgressBar$4, ProgressBar$5 showSearch showAbout setHeight setScopeElementName updateAnalysisSelection refreshAnalysisInfo showOptions updateAnalysisAvailability addPostDrawingCallback showHelp clearPositionCache getCanvasHeight showLog setStatus duplicateGraphics endWaiting centerOn restartSearchTimer fitToScreen decreaseMagnification getSequenceBufferedImage updateElementScope setTitle redraw getBufferedImage showOverview getCanvasWidth activateSearch clearImageCache showSequenceDiagram showWaiting draw deactivateSearch newRecentFile showProgress increaseMagnification start setWidth getFrame Interface2: Resulting Window efficiency: 83.3% , accumulated collection efficiency: 68.5% 5 clients: ConcreteDrawPreparation, ConcreteWindow, DrawNameFunction, DrawRows, RowPositioning getRowHeightSpacing getMagFactor Interface3: 3 clients: ConcreteWindow, DrawRows, MouseListener getToolTip setStatus